Overextended and Tired of It?

Hello, Mavens! Happy Summer!

I'm thrilled to announce my first ever guest article that has recently been published on Addicted2Success!

Getting an article published was a BHAG of mine (big hairy audacious goal) and it took a lot of time and energy to write it. But that is not what I am most proud of. I am most proud of the fact that even though I do not define myself as a ‘writer’, I wrote. And I wrote some more. And then wrote even more.

I kept writing until what was in my heart finally found its voice. I pushed out all of the negative thoughts I had - I can’t do this, this is gonna suck, no one will resonate with this - and decided to simply follow what was bubbling up for me. And that was the article you can now find here.

If you are feeling completely overwhelmed 24/7, this one's for you. The story is written with an earlier version of myself heavily top of mind. Can anyone else relate? Would love to hear from you!

To your brave success,


Stop Glorifying “Busy” and Sabotaging Your Goals


3 Simple Ways to Feel Better Right Now