3 Simple Ways to Feel Better Right Now

Dear Mavens,

In light of what the world is experiencing right now, I wanted to share 3 simple ways to help you feel even just a tiny bit better. No doubt, it is a scary time. I definitely find myself slipping into really negative thoughts and there are moments of anxiety bubbling up that I really would rather not experience. 

But here we are.

And there are things you can do to shift into a more positive - or at least a neutral - space.

1. Do a breathing technique

The breath of joy

This is currently my favourite breathing technique and for the last 3 months I have done it for about 2 minutes every morning outside (yes, even in the dead of winter). Especially right now I have a heightened appreciation for my health and this breath exercise puts me in a state of gratitude that I can feel in every cell.

I also really love alternate nostril breathing and this is one you can do simply sitting on the couch.

And if these feel ‘too much’ right now, simply breathe in for 4 counts, and out for 8 counts. This is actually a challenge when you are really stressed, but eventually, your body can sink into this rhythm and you will feel so much better. I do this one on the DL all the time - even in meetings!

2. Place your hands on your heart

Place your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and for at least 38 seconds focus on breathing into your heart. You can also say positive mantras or words of appreciation while doing this. Why 38 seconds? Apparently that is how long it takes for your body chemistry to change and your heart to literally start healing your body. Amazing.

I first learned the technique through a coach and her HeartMath work, and it was reconfirmed by Dr. James Rouse who I saw speak in January. This quick practice also ties back to gratitude which is always a good thing.

I also use this time to set my intention for the day, or even the next moment ie: I feel calm and grounded.

3. Do a guided meditation

During times of extreme stress, it may feel impossible to just sit quietly and meditate on your own. I always recommend a guided meditation if you are just starting out with meditation, or you are having a particularly bad ‘monkey mind’ day. Doing a guided meditation is no less effective than an unguided one, and it isn’t cheating as some people believe (usually the perfectionists out there).

My favourite app for meditation is the lesser-known Insight Timer. It is free and there are thousands to meditations to choose from, so finding a voice or style you resonate with is guaranteed.

Having sounds and words to focus on can instantly reduce stress and make the process much more doable. Give yourself permission to be constructively distracted with positive messages and inspiration. There is a reason everyone out there has hopped on the meditation train - it works.

To your brave success,


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