That Awful Job Interview

Hello, Mavens! Today I’m sharing a job interview story that never left me.

About 15 years ago I had a job interview for freelance packaging design work at Perennial Inc (Note: I think it morphed into a new company called DCM and no longer exists.)

I was only maybe 3 years into my design career but I already had significant packaging design experience. This was in the early 2000’s when packaging design was booming and it was a seriously coveted (and not too common) skill.

At the time, Perennial was a hot hot hot company to work for🔥. I somehow got a job interview there for freelance work. I put on my best Le Chateau blazer and showed up with my fancy Loomis & Toles portfolio in tow.

At the end of the interview I was asked what my freelance rate was. I told them it was $55/hr.

This was high for “industry standards” and I knew it. But for some reason that day, I blurted out that number. I’m guessing I was pretty tired of being underpaid and undervalued even that early into my design career. Or maybe I didn’t care if I got the work and just randomly picked a number…

The interviewer then asked me, “What makes you feel you are worth $55/hr?”


I stammered some half-hearted response, explaining that I had lots of experience yadayadayada…

Suffice to say, I did not get hired that day.

It’s amazing how these fleeting moments stay with us. They leave a mark on us. For better or worse. The interview was just a few minutes long and yet here I am, writing about it on LinkedIn years later.

Shocker - I did not become a freelancer for Perennial that day 😱.

I not only lost out on an opportunity that day but sadly, I also lost self-esteem, confidence and faith in my ability to “make it as a designer.”

I remember feeling deflated and sad. But also angry… like, "Umm, yeah, I’m worth that amount, Bucko! No one can work a dieline quite like me." 🤣

But 20 years later I finally get the lesson(s). Yay!

Let no one decide what you are worth
AND their judgements are meaningless

I now look back at that experience with immense gratitude. Something within me that day knew I was worth $55 bucks an hour. There was a part of me who was like, “Today, you are going to ask for what you really want.”

The fact that I didn’t get the job is besides the point.

Every time you take a risk and go for something big, you connect to your true authentic self and align with your soul.

Even if it's for a millisecond, it counts for something✨

To your brave success,
Alana ❤️


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